Local Names

This page last updated 4May10. Now at http://www.johnevans.id.au/wp/?page_id=3753

Names of Features

I do like to know the naming history of the features I walk to, so was most grateful for the following information provided by the ACT Land Information Centre and, specifically, Lorraine Bayliss. She researched a number of data sources for me and also provided a copy of 'The Australian Capital Territory's Gazetteer A Dictionary of Geographic Names HISTORY Origins and Meanings', Department of the Environment, A.C.T. Government, Researched and compiled by Brian Smith of the ACT Land Information Office. On Peter D's suggestion, I've added locations (they're UTM format, GDA 94).

Reference List -

ACT Forests (1994) Stromlo Forest Cork Oak Management Plan (Draft), Canberra.
ACT Gazette No. S181, 14 October 1992
ACT Government, DELP, (1992) Canberra's Suburbs and Street Names, History - Origins and Meanings, ACT Govt Printer, Canberra
ACT Parks and Conservation (1988) Resources of the Paddys River - Tidbinbilla Area Interim Draft.
Alder, Reg, (1989) Namadgi National Park, Canberra and District Historical Society Journal New Series No.23.
Argue, Debbie, (1991) Bountiful Brindabella - Towards an Understanding of the Prehistory of the Southern Uplands, B.A. (Honours) dissertation, Australian National University, Canberra.
Brayshaw, Steve, (1994) Boboyan Valley - A Walk with the Brayshaws, Kosciusko Huts Association, No 83.
Burden, R. (1993) CORROBOREE PARK
Conservation Council of the South-East Region and Canberra, (1992) The Natural and Cultural Significance of Mulligan's Flat, Gungahlin, ACT.
Corp, Tony, (1989) Gudgenby: the last 150 Years, Canberra and District Historical Society Journal New Series No.24.
Coutts, Lorraine, (1990) Historical Cultural Landscapes Report - Horse Park Homestead and Wetlands Gungahlin, Canberra ACT, Canberra
Currie, Capt. Mark John, (1825) Map of the country to the South of Lake George.
Esau, Neville, (1983) Field Guide to the Native trees of the ACT, National Parks Association of the ACT, Canberra.
Fitzgerald, Alan, (1977) Historic Canberra 1825 - 1945 A Pictoral Record, Canberra, AGPS.
Flint, Monica, (1983) To Green the Memory.
Flood, Josephine, (1983) Archaeology of the Dreamtime, Sydney, Collins Australia.
Flood, Josephine, (1984) Recent research on traditional Aboriginal society of the Canberra area, Canberra and District Historical Society Journal New Series No.13.
Gale, John, (1927) Canberra - It's History and Legends, Queanbeyan, A M Fallick and Sons.
Gillespie, Lyall, (1979) First Race meetings held in the 1840's - Early Recreation, entertainment, Canberra and District Historical Society Journal New Series No.3.
Gillespie, Lyall, (1984) Aborigines of the Canberra Region, Canberra.
Gillespie, Lyall, (1991) Canberra 1820 - 1913, Canberra, AGPS,
Gillespie, Lyall, (1992) Ginninderra - Forerunner to Canberra - A History of the Ginninderra District, Canberra, The Wizard.
Higgins, Matthew, (1992) Southwells in the High Country, Kosciusko Huts Association, No 76.
Higgins, Matthew, (1992) Namadgi has a "New" Homestead, Kosciusko Huts Association, No 78.
Higgins, Matthew, (1993) Good Times in the Brindabellas, Kosciusko Huts Association, No 80.
Higgins, Matthew, (1993) Heritage Week Walk, Kosciusko Huts Association, No 81.
Kosciusko Huts Assocoation, (1991) Namadgi Historical Summaries
Mawer, G.A. (19 ) John Tennant: "Terror of Argyle", Canberra and District Historical Society Journal New Series No. 13.
Mitchell, Sir Thomas, (1834) Map of the Colony of New South Wales.
Murphy Greg, ( ) Canberra. What's in a name?, Canberra and District Historical Society Journal New Series No.
Nairn, Bede, ed. at al (1986) Australian Dictionary of Biography, Melbourne University Press, Melbourne,
Reed, A.W., (1965) Aboriginal Words and Place Names, Rigby, Adelaide.
Robinson, Frederick W., (1927) Canberra's First Hundred Years and After, Sydney, WC Penfold, Sydney.
Rosenfeld, Andree and Winston-Gregson, Jonathan, (1983) Excavations at Nursery Swamp 2, Gudgenby Nature Reserve, ACT, Australian Archaeology No 17, Dec.1983.
Shumack, Samuel, (1967) Tales and Legends of Canberra Pioneers, Canberra, ANU Press, Canberra.
Smith, Edith M., (1963) Notes on Prospecting and Mining in the Australian Capital Territory and Environs, Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Canberra.
Watson, Frederick, (1927) A Brief History of Canberra, Federal Capital Press, Canberra.
White, H. (1834) Survey of part of the Morumbidgee and country south of Lake George
Wright, W. Davis, (1923) Canberra, John Andrew and Co., Sydney

Space Tracking Station Sites

Thanks to John Saxon for providing me with the following links concerning the 3 space tracking sites (Honeysuckle Creek, Orroral Valley and Tidbinbilla), the first 2 which we often use as start points:

From Signage

Local Names

I do have a fascination with Namadgi National Park and the local names ascribed by members of local walking clubs, and others, to features not named on maps. Having asked several old hands, I finally tracked reliable sources:

Other Local Things


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