Reference Material

This page last updated 7Feb10. Now at

Background Material on Interesting Places

01 ACT Heritage Register - online here . A little difficult to search. There is a Summary List here - if they move it, I have a copy. It's a pdf document, so the whole lot is searchable. Border markers are here .
02 ACT Locate - online here. Internet mapping service for the ACT - use it to locate block/district.
03 Sites of Significance in the ACT. A 9 volume set, pre-cursor to the ACT Heritage Register. Published in 1988 (Vols 1-7), 1989 (Vol 8) and 1990 (Vol 9). Available through the ACT Heritage Library at Woden Library. Additional copies to the reference set are available for borrowing.
    The material covers:

Volume Content
1 Methodology
2 Inner Canberra
3 Gungahlin and Belconnen
4 Woden, Tuggeranong and Associated Areas
5 Majura, Kowen and Associated Areas
6 Stromlo and Uriarra Areas
7 Paddys River and Tennent Areas
8 Cotter River Catchment
9 Gudgenby Area

04 W-G T - a circumspect source of information.
12 Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve Draft Management Plan, Australian Capital Territory Canberra 1997. Available through the ACT Heritage Library at Woden Library.
13 Beyond the Cotter, Allan J Mortlock and Klaus Hueneke, ANU Press Canberra 1979.
14 Rugged Beyond Imagination - Stories from an Australian mountain region, Matthew Higgins, National Museum of Australia Press Canberra 2009.

Border Markers

14 Extant original field survey note books have been made available by ACTPLA here .

Flora and Fauna

05 Field Guide to Birds of the ACT, McComas Taylor and Nicolas Day, National Parks Association of the ACT Inc, Canberra, 2006.
06 Field guide to the Native Trees of the ACT, orig text by L Adams, P Ormay and J Hook revised, 2nd edn, National Parks Association of the ACT Inc, Canberra, 2007.
07 Field Guide to the Orchids of the Australian Capital Territory, David L Jones with Jean Egan and Tony Wood, National Parks Association of the ACT Inc, Canberra, 2008.


08 A Geological Guide to Canberra Region and Namadgi National Park, compiled by D M Finlayson, Geological Society of Australia (ACT Division), 2008 - includes CD Geological Excursions and Sites of Interest. The package includes a 1:100000 map Geology of the ACT and a CD containing GIS and other data.

First Aid

09 St John Australian First Aid, Vic Groenhout et al (eds), St John Ambulance, Melbourne, 2004.
15 St John Emergency First Aid - A quick guide, Shirley Dyson (ed), St John Ambulance Australia, Forrest ACT, 2008.

Navigation and Bushcraft

10 Finding Your Way in the Bush, George Carter, Canberra Bushwalking Club, Canberra, 2007
11 Bushwalking and Ski Touring Leadership, Handbook of the Bushwalking and Mountaincraft Training Advisory Board Inc, 3rd edn, 2000.

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