15 May 2004 Kambah Pool to Tuggeranong and return Photos
Maps: Tuggeranong 8727-3S Second Edition 1:25000
Getting There

Drive down Kambah Pool Road to the parking area by the pool.


I did this walk with a mate, Peter B.

It was an easy stroll along the recently remade track down to the confluence of the Murrumbidge River and Tuggeranong Creek.  There is an excellent dry stone fence down there, which we reached at a lazy pace by 12.20pm.

We returned up the gentle slope of the creek valley a hill away from the river, just for something slightly different.  We reached the top of the valley and the edge of Gleneagles around 1pm, wandered down to the Kambah Pool Road and strode the black top back to the parking area.

We lunched down by the pool for 20 minutes, then spent another 10 minutes investigating how one might cross the river at the downstream end of Kambah Pool.

Distance: 12.5km  Time: 10.35am-2.40pm with 30 minutes of stops.

1 River scenery 2 Stone fence 3 View back down the valley towards Tuggeranong
