1 Jun 2008 Parkway Ramble - The Sanctuary at TNR Photos
Map: Tidbinbilla
Getting There

This walk was organised and led by me as a Parkway ramble:

Sunday 1 June - Parkway Ramble: The Sanctuary at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve - S/E. Visit the newly reopened wetlands enclosure at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve, The Sanctuary. Wheelchair and stroller-friendly pathways 1-2km in length. Amazing nature and architectural features. Map: Tidbinbilla. Leader: John Evans – jevans@pcug.org.au, (h) 6288 7235. Transport: drive yourself. Further details at http://jevans.pcug.org.au.
Further Information

Hello Parkway Ramblers
16 of us had great fun on the last Parkway Ramble at the historic sites in the Glenburn-Burbong area. Check it out here.
This time, we can enjoy nature by wandering around The Sanctuary at Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. This is a recently reopened multimillion dollar refurbishment of the wetland area. Wonderful wheelchair and stroller-friendly paths (I took Gay in her wheelchair a couple of weeks ago), so there is no excuse if you have two feet. There is a short loop of 1km and a longer loop of 2km. Last time we saw hopping wallabies, nesting swans and a regal Brolga. There are some great architectural features too. Additional suggestions below for the fit and quick.
Leave Parkway after morning service on Sunday 1 June. Drive 8.3km south down Drakeford Drive, turn right into Woodcock Drive for 2.1km, turn right into Jim Pike Avenue for 0.8km, turn right into Point Hut Road for 4.8km, turn right onto the Tidbinbilla Rd for 10km and turn left into the well-signed Tidbinbilla Nature Reserve. No entry fee at the moment.
  • Stop at the TNR Visitors Centre immediately on entering the reserve and grab a brochure (which includes walk descriptions and maps).
  • Enjoy the lunch you've brought with you at the Nature Discovery Playground (1.1km into the reserve on the right - best for families with young children) or at Flint's Picnic Area (3.5km into the reserve, along the right leg of the Tidbinbilla Ring Road).
  • Meet at the entrance to The Sanctuary at 2pm. To get there, drive 2km further along the right leg of the Tidbinbilla Ring Road from Flint's Picnic Area. Enjoy a short/long/slow/fast wander around the area.
If you want more, I'd suggest any of the Hanging Rock Track (0.5km, 25mins), Church Rock Heritage Loop (2.5km, 1hr), have a look at the Rock Valley Heritage Site (0.150km, 30mins), Xanthorrhoea Loop Track (2.5km, 45mins) and the Birrigai Time Trail (3km, 1hr) walks for starters. TNR gates close at 6pm and the Visitors Centre closes at 5pm. Maybe you'll come back another time.
Wear comfortable clothes and footwear. A wide-brimmed hat is always good. Have some water in your car. Gay and I will only go if the the weather is fine.
You'll find some information on our previous visits here and here and here and a map of the TNR for this visit here.
Please invite anyone you think might enjoy this walk and pass this email on. Do let me know if you are planning to come.
Cheers and God bless. John


8 of us met at the Sanctuary and had a most pleasant wander around, pretty much like last time. Wonderful to see that the swan family has grown by 5 cygnets, with 2 eggs still to hatch.

Thanks Bill, Richard and Nikki, Peter and Susan and Val for joining Gay and me.

Distance: 1-2km  Climb: 50m.  Time: 2-4pm
Grading: S/E; VE(3)

Click on a thumbnail below to see the full sized picture
1 Day old cygnets with Mum
