17 September 2010 TNR Sites
Map: Tidbinbilla 1:25000
Getting There
This walk was organised and led by me as a private walk:
Friday 17 September - TNR Sites- L/E-M. For a long time I've been trying to organise a mutually convenient time with Martin Chalkhalk to show me a blaze in TNR. We'll also check out a number of other sites. Around 16km and 800m climb. Map: Tidbinbilla. Leader: John Evans - jevans@pcug.org.au, (h) 6288 7235. Transport: ~$8 per person (except for my guide!).
Just the 2 of us, which gave me uninterrupted access to quiz Martin on many things.
Further Information
Pick up Martin 10.30am.
We'll look for (1) siren on post a few hundred metres up the Camel Back fire trail - anyone know its story?; (2) Martin's blaze on spur to Tidbinbilla Peak; (3) Blaze below Pierce Trig; (4) Pierce communications tower KHA235; (5) Radio transmitter site on ridge between Camels Hump and Johns Peak KHA825; (6) Lyrebird observation hut site KHA527.
See NPA Bulletin Volume 30 number 3 September 1993 page 4 here and NPA Bulletin Volume 34 Number 2 June 1997 page 19 here
Gates close 6pm.
Access all primary pics here. All thumbnails in the walk report are active - click for a larger picture.
Track overview | Track a | Track b |
We drove to the Mountain Creek car park and began our little wander up the Camel Back fire trail. Within 400m, just after turning the corner where the Cascades and Lyrebird Trails take off, we spied the structure just off the W side of the fire trail. What is it? A metal box containing a battery sits below it. Loud speaker, siren? - who knows the details?
Box below loud speaker-siren beside Camel Back fire trail | 1 Loud speaker-siren beside Camel Back fire trail at UTM 55H 671275-6074765 (GDA94) |
Back on the fire trail, up a further 1.75km, we struck off into the bush to the NW, heading towards the blaze that I'd wanted Martin to show me, even though I knew it was burnt. We went in around 300m but Martin realised we'd gone too far, so returned and had a careful search on the way back. Found, we reckon, and confirmed by Martin's before and today photos.
2 Burnt blaze on tree near Camel Back fire trail at UTM 55H 671799-6075867 (GDA94) | AD16 blaze in TNR - Martin Chalk Jan 96 | Burnt AD16 blaze in TNR - Martin Chalk Sep 10 |
Satisfied, we trotted up the fire trail, water over it in a couple of places and lovely running water in a couple of the major drainage lines. Stopped on the S flank of Camels Hump for a late morning tea at 1pm. I never cease to enjoy the serried peaks to the S and W - SH1322, Johns Peak, Tidbinbilla Peak, Tidbinbilla Mountain and The Pimple.
SH1322, Johns Peak, Tidbinbilla Peak, Tidbinbilla Mountain and The Pimple from the lower flanks of Camels Hump |
Refreshed, we pushed on the Tidbinbilla Range Road to below Pierce Hill, where I was delighted to return the favour to Martin by showing him the 68 in shield blaze.
68 blaze on Tidbinbilla Range Road NNW of Pierce Trig at UTM 55H 672584-6080628 (GDA94) | 3 68 blaze on Tidbinbilla Range Road NNW of Pierce Trig at UTM 55H 672584-6080628 (GDA94) |
Up to Pierce Hill and trig and Communications Tower (which I was ground-truthing for KHA). Lunch with lovely views over the Tidbinbilla Tracking Station and the Paddys River valley.
4 View E from Pierce Hill | 5 Pierce Hill Communications Tower and Trig |
WE returned S down the footpad along the fence line from the top, regained the fire trail and trundled back S and W around Camels Hump. A visit to the burnt out radio transmission tower on the ridge to SH1322 to ground-truth the location for KHA. The track in, very overgrown the last time I used it, has been cleared. Straight down the hill to the E to rejoin the fire trail - relatively open going and a surprisingly distance.
6 Burnt radio transmitter tower S of Camels Trig |
The last location to ground-truth was a recorded Lyrebird observation hut site, W off the Camel Back fire trail and above an arm of Mountain Creek. Nothing here. We remarked that if one has to walk fire trail, now is the time. Lovely and soft with all the recent rain.
7 No sign of the Lyrebird Observation Hut site at KHA527 at UTM 55H 671322-6075224 (GDA94) |
We skipped around the Cascades Trail, spending a little time at the cascades. The tree fern there has a truly magnificent trunk.
Reaching the junction with the Lyrebird Trail (we reckon the signage is not totally unambiguous - the fire trail signage is the same), we decided to take the short link back to the Cascade Trail and return, as it was 4.50pm. Excellent signage, with a new Jedbinbilla area identified on the old block 60 pine forest area.
8 Cascades | Fungus on burnt tree | Signage |
Many thanks for your company and willingness to share, Martin. A very pleasant wander.
Distance: 19.6km Climb: 700m. Time: 11am - 5pm (6hrs), with 35 mins of stops.
Grading: L/E; M(11)
KMZ file for Google Earth/Maps: TNR
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