24 September 2013 Creeks and Spurs, Western Side of Mt Clear, Namadgi NP
Walk Description This walk was organised and led by Ian W as an irregular CBC Tueday walk: Tuesday 24 September: Creeks and Spurs, Western Side of Mt Clear, Namadgi NP - L/R,ptX. From the Mt Clear campground at the southern end of the ACT, we will spend most of the day off-track on a route that links up some of the many small creeks between Mt Clear and the Naas Creek, though we will not be going to the Mt Clear summit. Some of valleys are grassy but there will also be scrubby spurs and ridges. Minimum Distance: 16 km with 500 metres of ascent. Maps: Bredbo, Colinton. Leader: Ian W. Limit: 8 Transport: Approx. 160 km return. 10 of us drove from Canberra in 3 cars to the Mt Clear campground car park. Photographs Click here to access all walk photographs.Google Earth Track Notes A great little walk on a perfect Spring day. 24°C in Canberra and a blue sky day. Good rain last week, so plenty of water about in the open drainage lines and leads and a strongly flowing Naas Creek. We wandered down the Naas Valley FT and, after coming out into the open prior to the first ford, turned right and followed open leads over to Chalkers Chimney. At SH1245 we took a little detour to a shallow tarn-pond, no doubt formed by the recent rain. It was alive with frogs and you can hear them here This is a fine alternative route from the car park to Chalkers Chimney or even the ford on Long Flat Creek near Sam Abouds dunny. It is certainly prettier than the Long Flat FT and probably nearly as quick. From the Chimney, a delightful meander through more open leads and a little light scrub across the flanks of Mt Clear. This leg ended at a saddle at the top of Left Hand Creek and lunch. A descent NW and W through open forest down to the Nass Valley FT. Wet feet at 2 fords of Naas Creek - lovely to see it flowing strongly. I called in at John Brayshaw's 2 hut sites. An excellent little walk, suitable for many repeats. Summary Distance: 16.1km Climb: 590m. Time: 8.20am - 2.45pm (6hrs 25 mins), with 1hr of breaks. Walk Participants 10 walkers - Peter C, Jenni C, Chris F, Eric G, Linda G, Ian H, John J, Stewart J, Ian W (leader), me. Back to Walks Index This page last updated 3Sep22 |