View south and west from The Onion

Tuesday 12 April: Tinderry Nature Reserve, The Onion – M/R,X. We start at the junction of the Round Flat Fire-trail and the Tinderry Road. We follow the trail for 2 km then head off-track for most of the day and visit a number of granite outcrops and slabs to the south and east of Tinderry Peak. Most of the route is exploratory and the main objective is a large slab known as The Onion. The ridges are slow going and scrubby but there are some areas of attractive old forests along the creeks. Minimum distance: 11 km with 500 metres of ascent. Map: TinderryLeader: Ian W. Transport:  124km return. Limit: 8.

8 of us drove in 2 vehicles to the Round Flat car park on Tinderry Road.


Distance: 14.0km | Climb: 585m | Time: 8.05am-4.25pm (8hrs 20mins), including 45 mins of breaks | Grading: L/R; H(12)


Photographs are available, where you can start a large sized slideshow.


Waypoint and Track Files

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Track Notes

Ian relocated us from the top of Blue Gum Creek in Namadgi National Park, due to road closures for controlled burning. Always nice to walk in the Tinderrys.

A walk in along the Round Flat fire trail, passing the northern limit of fire a couple of years ago. At the first elbow we headed off-track, climbing NW to morning tea. 270m vertical gain through forest and granite. More climbing took us to The Onion, with a little scramble across the granite to take in huge views from south through west to north. Check out the pics and video.

We came off to the NE, down through a saddle and crossed the top of Roberts Creek. Then a climb through forest and granite to lunch.

We trended east after lunch, to ‘Groggy slabs’, huge areas of granite above Groggy Creek.

Next north to cross a swampy area at the top of Groggy Creek, then a loop to visit more granite. Some lovely old growth forest in this area.

A long leg to the south with easier walking after crossing Roberts Creek got us back to the fire trail.

A full complement of 8 making a very cohesive party. A great round from Ian again

Track Maps

Track overview

Track 1

Track 2



8 walkers – Melinda B, Eric G, Linda G, Ian H, Roger H, Lorraine T, Ian W (leader), me.

Next Tuesday Walk

Tuesday 19 April: Mt Pleasant and Kybeyan Gorge – M/R. A circuit with a view point, a granite gorge and fairly open ridges. Park on the Kybeyan West FT at approx. 121 E, 868 N (GDA94) and walk up to Mt Pleasant (1050 metres). Descend the ridge to the north to the Kybeyan River. Upstream, rock hopping, for about 3 km along the river past bluffs and large pools; the pools have brownish water like the Shoalhaven, then return via ridges to the cars. ~ 13 km, total ~ 530 m ups and downs. Road access crosses private property for which permission has been obtained. A 1hr 40 min drive from south Canberra. Leader: Linda G. Maps: Numerella, Kybeyan. Transport: $20 per person.