14 February 2013 Ride and Stride - Border markers on the Clear Range S of Upper Left Hand Creek FT

Border Marker N35 "Hole drilled in Granite with arrow cut on" by Harry Johnston

Map: Colinton 1:25000

Walk Description

This walk was organised and led by me as a private ride + walk:

Thursday 14 February: Ride and Stride - Border markers on the Clear Range S of Upper Left Hand Creek FT - H. Ride 8.3km of the Naas Valley FT from Mt Clear car park to the junction with Left Hand Creek FT at Horse Gully Hut. Ride/walk a further 2.6km and 250m climb up the Left Hand Creek FT. At this point either:
(1) contour along the Mt Clear FT (4.5km and 100m climb) to the bottom of the steep N ascent to Mt Clear (this includes an optional 1.3km return 200m ascent/descent up the border). Return to junction.
(2) continue a further 1.2km and 290m up Left Hand Creek FT to the crest of the Clear Range, then 5.2km S along the border/Clear Range FT. Return to junction.
(3) continue a further 1.2km and 290m up Left Hand Creek FT to the crest of the Clear Range, then 3.6km N along the border/Clear Range FT. Return to junction.
Return to car.

Around 32km and 400-500m climb. Map: Colinton.

2 of us drove from Canberra to the Mt Clear car park.

Further Information

A companionable companion, also kindly doubling as a chauffeur, has been arranged. He couldn't come, but another companionable companion stepped in!

Track Maps

Track maps: thumbnails are active - click for a larger picture

Track overview

Track 1

Track 2

Track 3


Track Notes

A hard day (no day harder on the Kokoda Track, reckons Mike). But successful, finding 17 border markers (Y35, Z35, A36, B36, C36, D36, W35, V35, R35, Q35, P35, N35, M35, L35, K35, J35, I35), 2 Mile markers (97 Mile, 96 Mile), 2 possible border markers (T35, B35), and visiting the locations of an additional 11 markers which we could not identify (X35, E36, U35, S35, O35, H35, G35, F35, E35, D35, C35). In the end we completed 2 of my planned options, 1 and 2 above.

A ride from the Mt Clear car park to the intersection of the Left Hand Creek Fire Trail and the Upper Left Hand Creek Fire Trail. 11.3km in 1hr 15mins. Some walking+pushing up the steep bits of the Left Hand Creek FT. Road works - a truck, roller and HUGE grader.

This was the decision point for the options and we chose number 1.

So after a quick gasp, we rode the Left Hand Creek FT (a nice contour at the 1000m level) to the border. 2km in 15mins.

From here, we rode and walked 2.9km in 1hr along the Mt Clear FT, then back to the border. Could not find X35; found Y35, Z35, A36, B36, C36, D36. Just so there are no gaps on my parts of the ACT border I've covered (see here), we had to continue on to E36 (nothing there), which was the N-most extent of my trip on 21 Aug 12.

Morning tea.

Ready to go at 10.22am, it was obvious that we'd have time to climb to the crest of the range and go N to the top of the Upper Left Hand Creek FT. Left the bikes and headed up. It was quite a steep climb, 1km rising 260m, taking 48mins. We found W35 and the 97 Mile marker. We spend some time at the top searching for U35, as its description was "Hole Drilled in Granite Rock, arrow Cut in Rock at Hole", but no luck.

Next, 1.4km in 50mins N along the crest, sometimes near sometimes not the Clear Range Fire Trail. A possible find of T35; no S35; found R35, Q35 and P35; no O35. The find of the day was N35, described in Freddy Johnston's field notebook as "Hole drilled in Granite with arrow cut on". There it was - pulled out all the dirt - you can just make out the arrow. Priceless (if you hunt border markers). A lovely grassy knoll on the S flank of SH1356, so time for lunch. Rang home.

After lunch a productive start to the next leg, finding M35, L35, 96 Mile marker, K35, J3 and I35. Then an unproductive and scrubby descent from near SH1346 to the top of the Upper Left Hand Creek FT. Did not find H35, G35, F35, E35, D35 or C35. There was a blaze near the location of C35, but a NSW survey I think. Possible identification of B25. This leg 1.6km in 52mins.

Finished for the day at 1.20pm, all that remained was to get home.

A 3.4km in 42mins walk steeply down the Upper Left Hand Creek FT and a contour back S along the Left Hand Creek FT to the bikes. Met the workers with their machinery again - they were just packing up for the day. Some ominous thunder to the S.

A 13.9km in 1hr 50mins ride (including a lot of pushing, as we were tired and there were a few hills) back to the car. We stopped briefly at Horse Gully Hut to get water from the tank and have a look in, and walked in to Demandering Hut. We beat the storms.

A pleasant sit on Val Jeffries' shop verandah on the way back.

Huge thanks to Mike B for company and driving. I now only have one more sortie in this way.


Distance: 37.8km (ride 28.6km + walk 9.2km) Climb: 950m. Time: 7.40am - 3.55pm (8hrs 15 mins), with 45mins of breaks.

Grading: H; H(12)

Walk Participants

2 walkers - Mike B, me.

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This page last updated 2Sep22